Our services include:
House Washing: Over time, your home’s exterior can accumulate dirt, algae, and other unsightly elements. Our house washing service gently but effectively cleans your siding, restoring its original appearance and preventing potential damage caused by prolonged exposure to the elements.
Surface Cleaning: Patios, decks, sidewalks, and other outdoor surfaces can quickly become dirty and slippery. We provide thorough surface cleaning to remove dirt, moss, and other contaminants, ensuring that these areas are not only clean but also safe for you and your family.
Concrete & Driveway Cleaning: Driveways and concrete surfaces often suffer from oil stains, tire marks, and general wear and tear. Our pressure washing service targets these problem areas, lifting stubborn stains and restoring the look of your concrete and driveways.
Exterior Cleaning & MORE!: Beyond just your house, we can clean a variety of exterior surfaces, including fences, gutters, and more. No matter what needs cleaning, our pressure washing services ensure that every inch of your property looks its best.

We pride ourselves on using only the best power washing equipment and techniques to achieve outstanding results. Our team carefully adjusts the pressure settings to suit each surface, ensuring that we remove dirt and grime without causing any damage. We’re thorough in our approach, utilizing tried-and-tested methods to eliminate even the smallest particles that have become embedded over time.
Once the cleaning is complete, we double-check every area to ensure that no dirt is left behind. If you want your home’s exterior surfaces cleaned to perfection, A+ Bros Painting & More is the company to call. Contact us today at (417) 763-7691 for more information or to schedule your pressure washing service. Let us help you keep your home looking fresh and inviting year-round.